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The Invoice Factoring Blog

Preparedness Lessons Learned

Did anyone get the license plate of the truck that just hit the world economy?  I think it was Covid-19!! Which makes this the time

How to Afford Your New Contract

Don’t Let Cash Flow Issues Get In the Way of Opportunity Congratulations!  You finally landed that big contract you have been pursuing, the one that

large stacks of paperwork

What is a UCC Lien?

Business owners must learn a new language when shopping for financing.  The lending industry jargon is confusing and can even be misleading.  One phrase that

2020 is Faster than Ever

American Receivable Corporation has had a great start to its 4th decade! We have underwritten and funded 7 companies in the staffing industry and a

Business person shaking hands with an invoice factoring professional.

Overlooked Relationships

Welcome to 2020!  Most business owners will share a very similar list of goals for the New Year.  Trying to reduce costs, add customers, improve

The word 2020 written on highway road in the middle of empty asphalt road at golden sunset and beautiful blue sky. Concept for new year 2020.

Looking Forward to 2020

Owning and operating a small business takes dedication and hard work. As 2019 comes to a close, it’s a good time to take a look

Cash Flow concept with young man holding a tablet computer - Image

The Importance of Cash Flow

Cash flow is apparently the most significant estimation of your organization’s financial health.  All things considered, without cash close by you can’t pay your staff,