Obstacle – Anything That Impedes Progress or Achievement.

Man facing a brick wall

We run into obstacles in our daily lives and have to find ways to get by them and accomplish our end goal. Businesses frequently hit obstacles that get in the way of keeping the business on track for success. Start-ups have more obstacles when working to get their business going, but established businesses hit obstacles […]

Use Your Business Corporate Culture to Improve Employee Retention

Use Your Business Corporate Culture to Improve Employee Retention In today’s business world, it can be challenging to attract talented and qualified employees. Even more difficult is employee retention: keeping team members happy, productive and engaged. When employees are not happy with the company work environment, and other jobs are available, they are likely to […]

Get a Fresh Start in the New Year

A Fresh Start:  Keeping Your Employees Healthy and More Productive A tidy and sanitary office is crucial for quality work.  Distraction lowers productivity, even on a subconscious level.  Studies have also shown that business offices are a breeding ground for germs causing illness, which takes employees away from work, lowering productivity and work quality. A […]