Factoring as Big as Texas 

funding for industrial staffing agencies

Texas, known for its vast landscapes, diverse economy, and entrepreneurial spirit, is home to a wide range of industries that drive the state’s economic engine. From oil and gas to technology, agriculture, and manufacturing, Texas businesses face unique challenges that require innovative financial solutions. Among these solutions, factoring companies in Texas play a crucial role […]

Unraveling the Mysteries of Business Loans:  A Guide to Successful Financing 

customer focused relationship

As someone who has navigated the financial landscape with numerous small business owners, I’ve noticed a common thread among them—many lack a clear understanding of what banks consider when granting a loan. Whether you’re seeking funds for a property, equipment, or working capital, decoding the loan application process is crucial for success. Let’s dive into […]

Be Proactive To Get Paid Quicker

invoice factoring dallas

When customers drag out their payments this puts a lot of pressure on the business because it limits their cash flow.  Positive cash flow is necessary for companies to continue operations and be successful. Slow paying customers can quickly turn positive cash flow to negative cash flow.  It’s important for the business owner to have […]

Invoice Factoring Versus Traditional Bank Loans

invoice factoring versus bank loan

We get asked a lot the differences between obtaining financing at a bank and using a factoring company?  As business owners are looking for additional financial sources, whether to take advantage of growth opportunities or to fight off increasing inflationary pressures, it’s important to choose the financing source that will best fit your needs. Traditional […]

Three Dangers of Funding Your Business With Credit Cards

business credit cards

Being a business owner is a lot of work.  The challenges are non-stop.  First you have to go from a business idea, to generating revenue to developing a loyal customer base.  While doing all this, staying on top of your companies’ finances is crucial to the success of your company. It can be tempting to […]

Starting a Small Business in Texas

invoice factoring austin

More and more large companies are moving their headquarters and operations to Texas to take advantage of an advantageous business climate.  This same favorable business climate has helped create over 3 million small businesses in Texas.  If you’re thinking of starting your own business these seven steps will help you along.  It’s always a good […]

How Factoring Cash Flows Texas Businesses

texas start up business invoice factoring

American Receivable opened their doors 43 years ago and started helping Texas companies survive and grow.  Right away companies from industrial supplies, specialized cleaning, IT staffing, distribution, healthcare staffing, oil field service, and manufacturing were all growing their business with our account receivable factoring service. The Texas economy has seen several booms and busts since […]

Managing Working Capital

Managing Working Capital

Financial experts agree that managing working capital and maintain cash flow is critical to a small businesses’ successes.  For young companies finding additional sources of working capital can be especially challenging.  More and more companies are finding cash flow relief by turning to alternative lending companies, like factoring. Traditional banks have several policies that make […]

Client Spotlight: The Cycle of Challenge and Success

Client Spotlight

American Receivable honors Germaine, one of our clients who provides warehouse workers around the DFW metroplex. The current labor shortage has created a need for creativity to fill the demand for workers. Germaine’s motivation has always been an effort to assist people trying to recover from setbacks, has been meeting this challenge for over five […]

Avoid These 4 Common Mistakes Financing Your Business

Avoid 4 Mistakes Financing Your Business

Every business owner knows it takes money to make money.  While a business owner is adding employees and renting additional space to take on larger contracts it’s crucial that financing for this growth is already in place.  Financing and cash flow issues is one of the top reasons that business fail with in their first […]