Lessons Learned

A survey by researchers at Washington University in St. Louis found businesses with a previous lending relationship enjoyed a 57%-point advantage in obtaining a PPP loan, with 75% of “relationship-borrowers” getting a loan compared with only 18% of “non-relationship” companies succeeding in getting a PPP loan. The study further found that a personal connection between […]
Factoring for the Un-bankable

Getting a loan for a business has become exceedingly challenging as the Covid economy rolls on. Banks have become very cautious, as so many of their customers have experienced financial difficulty. Not only are fewer new loans being approved, many current bank customers are not having their loans renewed. Many businesses have experienced a loss […]
Thanksgiving Through the Years
Thanksgiving Through the Years The first Thanksgiving in Plymouth Colony which is now Massachusetts was in 1621. The last Thursday in November was declared a national day of thanksgiving by Abraham Lincoln 200 years later. In 1941 Congress made Thanksgiving an official national holiday. A day of “thanks” and “giving”. Thanksgiving has traditionally been a […]