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The Invoice Factoring Blog

Close up of handshake in the office

Funding Through Crisis

As the nation’s economy continues to open up American Receivable has been busy helping more and more companies solve their cash flow problems.  This past

Cash Flow Word With Coin In Glass Jar and graph up

Keep Your Cash Flow Positive

With the current economic crisis, managing cash flow is more important than ever.  Whether your business has been impacted or not, these recommendations will help

businessmen having a meeting

When to Turn to Factoring

Businesses, whether a start-up or a growing company can find themselves short of cash.  Many companies have a strong balance sheet, but they do not

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A Different Memorial Day

For the first time in over 25 years I will not be attending the Memorial Day service.  The service is another victim to the Coronavirus.   The

Businessman pointing arrow graph, showing business growth

Grow Your Business With Factoring

American Receivable assists entrepreneurs increase sales by factoring invoices.  Providing steady, predictable cash flow to our client so they can grow their business without incurring

Business people in a conference

Does Factoring Affect My Customers?

If today’s economy has you looking into financing solutions for your company, factoring lets you collect payment on your invoices immediately, so you don’t have

plants growing on coins

Are You Ready to Grow?

As a small to medium enterprise your cash reserves may have been drained keeping the doors open with only a fraction of your usual revenue