American Receivable
DFW: (972) 404-4726 | Toll Free: (800) 297-66522
Tips to Help Your Business Succeed During Unpredictable Times

You Might Need a Factor If…

For many people starting and running their own business is their number one goal.  Being your own boss, creating jobs for other people and having the pride of ownership are some of the reasons that entrepreneurs start their own company.  One hurdle that that business owners must overcome is obtaining the necessary funding to pay for operations and keep the company growing. 

Some business owners look for angel investors and venture capitalists to provide financing.  It’s great when others believe enough in your business to invest in it, but with the investment comes loss of control and maybe even a forced early exit.  Also, unless you need to scale quickly it may not make sense to bring in venture capital and lose a significant share of your company.

Turning to a bank for financing can now be problematic as banks are overrun with SBA Emergency loans and have become much more conservative in overall lending.  This leaves the business owner with their limited start-up capital that may not be enough to grow their company.  To add to the burden, customers are taking longer to pay their bill stretching the owners cash reserves even further.

Invoice factoring is the cash flow solution that allows the business owner to convert their accounts receivable into immediate cash without giving up equity or incurring debt.  Along with providing cash to grow your business a good factoring company will provide their expertise to protect your business from bad credit decisions.

For 42 years American Receivable has helped companies survive and prosper, even during the most challenging economies.  Our clients use our factoring service to grow their business to where they no longer need any outside financing. 

To benefit from American Receivable’s wealth of experience and expertise, call Jack Stieber or Brad Gurney at 972-404-4726 or call complete our quick application form.

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