American Receivable
DFW: (972) 404-4726 | Toll Free: (800) 297-66522
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Use Your Corporate Culture to Keep Your Best Employees

Finding good employees is always challenging.  Keeping good employees is critical.  When employees are not happy with the company work environment and other jobs are available, they are likely to leave for greener pastures.  Nurturing a positive corporate culture will improve morale and increase employee retention.

The best job seekers want to work at a company with a positive culture.  It’s important that your business reflects the values of it’s employees.  If you say that your culture is to encourage creativity thru down time but don’t approve requested time off, you will alienate your employees.  Its important to lead by example and display the values and behavior’s you want to be reflected in your workplace.

Be honest about your company’s culture and include everyone on improving it

  Brainstorming meetings about improving the culture are helpful but remember that the culture flows from the top down.  The best employees are looking for companies that share their values, will bring job satisfaction, and offer a culture that makes work something to look forward to.  While most companies cannot afford catered lunches and weekly massages there are still many ways to promote a positive culture. Here are a few ideas:

  1. Give each employee positive feedback on an ongoing basis.
  2. Provide continual training and educational opportunities.
  3. Express your appreciation regularly, even for little things.
  4. Get to know employees better and schedule one-on-one time with them.
  5. Have open-ended conversations with employees, welcoming them to discuss what’s on their mind.
  6. Evaluate how your work schedule promotes work-life balance.
  7. Give your staff extra creative time to brainstorm ideas.
  8. Ask your employees to offer feedback.
  9. Offer “work from home” options.
  10. Encourage each employee to thank each other, create an employee driven recognition program.

For 43 years American Receivable  has helped growing businesses.  Our flexible factoring program is rank No.1 nationally for the 9th year in a row.  Call us today at 800-297-6652 or schedule an appointment to learn how accounts receivable factoring improves small business cash flow.  In the DFW area, call 972-404-4726. To find out how invoice factoring can help get your small business off the ground, call Jack Stieber or Brad Gurney  or  complete our quick application form.

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