American Receivable
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Set Up Your Business For Success

business team celebration

More that 625,000 small businesses are started every year.  Each one represents the business owner’s belief that their company will succeed and thrive in the marketplace.  Sadly, almost half of these companies will close within five years according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.   Here are few tips to help you stack the odds in […]

Examine Your Funding Options

Reviewing documentation

As banks become more conservative in their lending practices many business owners are turning to alternative lenders to meet their financing needs.  Business owners can quickly be overwhelmed by all the web-based business lenders.  Many of these lenders will deluge a business owner with requests for bank statements and offers to take money today.  Some […]

Six Reasons To Use the Best Factoring Company

American Receivables Industries Served in Dallas TX

Asking a bank for a working capital loan is one way to give your company the additional cash it needs.  However, the days of easy credit are over, and banks have tightened their lending standards.  Many business owners are turning to alternative financial sources, like factoring.  Invoice factoring is a good solution since it dramatically […]

How to Grow Your Small Business

How To Grow Your Small Business

5 Tips to Grow Your Small Business Over half a million Americans start new businesses each month but about one-quarter of all new businesses fail within the first four years According to a recent Business 2 Community article by contributor Sarah Daren, one of the biggest challenges for entrepreneurs is inadequate cash flow.  “Many small […]

Are You Getting What You Deserve from Your Invoice Factoring Company?

factoring written on a notebook

The New Year is the perfect time to evaluate if you are getting the most out of your invoice factoring company. Are you already factoring your invoices as a means of improving your means of cash flow? Yes? Congratulations! You are on a great path to growing and keeping your business successful. Now, do you […]

Five Tips to Help Your Small Business Thrive During Uncertain Times

challenge as a concept

Starting and running a small business has never been easy.  It takes a lot of grit and determination even in the best of times.  And while most experts agree that the landscape has improved in recent years, there’s still a lot of uncertainty.  Changes in the tax code, unrest in the Middle East, the uncertain […]

Looking Forward to 2020

The word 2020 written on highway road in the middle of empty asphalt road at golden sunset and beautiful blue sky. Concept for new year 2020.

Owning and operating a small business takes dedication and hard work. As 2019 comes to a close, it’s a good time to take a look back at the business practices that worked well, and which ones need to be improvement. Consider these tips to make sure your business remains successful in the coming year. FOCUS […]

The Importance of Cash Flow

Cash Flow concept with young man holding a tablet computer - Image

Cash flow is apparently the most significant estimation of your organization’s financial health.  All things considered, without cash close by you can’t pay your staff, restock product or grow your business. With regards to estimating the strength of your cash flow, it’s insufficient to simply check your ledger balance. You’d increase substantially more understanding by […]

8 Tips for the Financial Success of Small Businesses

Running a small business can be tough, frustrating, and requires most owners to wear multiple hats. While most owners are comfortable being involved in sales, marketing, production and even HR, many feel completely out of their element when it comes to financing.  While this is an area that’s typically better left to those with the […]

Women in Business and the Challenge of Acquiring Working Capital

Female business owners feel that their access to working capital is much less than accessibility of businesses owned by men. A large number of business owners  feel that businesses owned by women will never have the same options and availability for working capital or cash flow options as businesses owned by men, while some think […]