American Receivable
DFW: (972) 404-4726 | Toll Free: (800) 297-66522

Run a Tight Ship

A sailing crew

Running a tight ship is essential to the survival of your business. In order to maximize profit, the entrepreneur has to make sure that they have a tight system in place from on-boarding a new customer to receiving and accounting for payments.

Lessons Learned From Comparing

business leadership in a meeting

Business owners can catch themselves comparing their business to other companies.  Most business owners will compare their business to more established and successful companies.  This rarely teaches the business owner any valuable lessons, besides to start your business with more capital and have a boardroom of successful investors.  Many lessons can be learned from struggling […]

Happiness Is Positive Cash Flow

cash flow

Entrepreneurs become masters of multi-tasking.  Planning new projects, making sure current tasks are on track, monitoring marketing and web-site results among other important tasks.  Staying on top of your company’s cash flow is even more important in today’s strained economy.  Contending with supply chain issues and labor shortages business owners cannot afford to be caught […]

Grow Your Staffing Agency With Invoice Factoring

small business

Today’s economy is offering more and more opportunities to staffing agencies. Companies are outsourcing entire departments while many individuals are looking for roles that are more flexible than working for a major corporation.  This creates a perfect environment to grow your staffing company.  What holds many staffing agencies back is their slow paying accounts receivable. […]

How Factoring Companies Help Your Business

invoice factoring dallas

How does your company get the money it needs to grow?  The most stable growth for the business owner comes from accounts receivable and invoicing.  Before you can grow a business, you have to first have the consistent cash flow to pay out daily operational expenses.  Entrepreneurs know that happiness is positive cash flow, that […]

Nine Key Reasons To Use Invoice Factoring

Factoring written on notebook

Cash flow management is crucial to the success of any business.  Maintaining a positive cash flow is especially challenging for companies that offer credit terms to their customers.  Invoice factoring offers a viable solution to businesses as it bridges the time it takes your customers to pay. Here are nine reasons that more and more […]

Be Proactive To Get Paid Quicker

invoice factoring dallas

When customers drag out their payments this puts a lot of pressure on the business because it limits their cash flow.  Positive cash flow is necessary for companies to continue operations and be successful. Slow paying customers can quickly turn positive cash flow to negative cash flow.  It’s important for the business owner to have […]

Prospect With Factoring Finance

Invoice factoring officer reviews a client's application

This economy is presenting more and more opportunities for small and midsized businesses (SMB) to win new contracts with large commercial enterprises.  Facing employment and supply chain challenges, big companies are turning to SMB for everything from staffing needs to inventory and more.  This good news for SMB comes with it owns challenge.  Fulfilling new […]

Best Factoring Company For Staffing Companies

small business

Meeting weekly payroll is often the biggest obstacle staffing companies face when growing their company. When business owners are awarded bigger contracts by their customers, the more money they will need to for payroll and operating expenses.  Staffing companies face tremendous cash flow pressure when they have to pay their employees weekly, but their customers […]

Overlooked Ways Businesses Can Reduce Costs

With inflation, supply chain issues and hiring problems, it’s no secret that times are tough for many businesses.  Business owners that are struggling to maintain a positive cash flow are constantly searching for way to reduce costs and stretch every dollar. These tips will help business owners run an efficient company in both challenging and […]