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New Year’s Resolutions…. To Be Or Not To Be???

It’s that time of year again when we feel the need to kick the bad habits aside and trust that the arrival of a new year is all that’s needed to reinvent ourselves.

Traditionally, New Year’s Day is when we make those all important New Year’s resolutions hoping to stick to them or it this time.  Unfortunately, the beginning of the year is one of the worst times to make a major change because it’s often still very stressful coming off the holidays. Don’t set yourself up for failure vowing to make changes that will be hard to keep. Rather, follow these tips for successfully making a new year’s resolution you can stick to.

Pick One Thing

If you want to change your life or your lifestyle don’t try to change everything at once. Instead, pick one area of your life to change.  Don’t pick something that’s unrealistic. Failure can be devastating so choose something obtainable.

Have the Right Tools

Plan ahead so you have the right tools available when you need them. There are vast resources available on the internet, library, self-help section of the bookstore as well as classes to help you see your New Year’s resolution thru.

Pick a Start Date

You don’t have to make changes on New Year’s Day.  Picking a date that will be stress free or that better fits your lifestyle is fine.  Wait until you are psychologically ready to meet the challenge.

Give it 100%

Give it 100% on your start date.  Have a mantra written down to keep you psyched up.  (Think “when the going gets tough the tough get going”)  Staying motivated is the key so find something that works for you.

Accept Set-backs

If you have a set-back don’t hate yourself for it, it’s part of the process.  Figure out what triggers the set back and learn from it.

Reward Yourself

Rewards are encouragement to keep you going during the hard days. Even the smallest thing can provide the encouragement you need to keep going.

The old saying “Nothing ventured nothing gained” is true. Keep trying and you will succeed.

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