American Receivable
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Online Business Lenders – Borrowers Beware

No hidden factoring fees

Online Business Lenders – Borrowers Beware When it comes to online business lenders, there are good ones and not-so-good ones, and it’s not always easy to tell the difference. Business owners have more options available for financing today than at any other time in the past. In addition to traditional lending avenues such as SBA […]

Could Your Business be a Target of Financial Fraud?

prevent financial fraud

Cyber attacks against small businesses are sophisticated schemes perpetrated by tech savvy criminals. Criminals use legitimate looking emails, malicious software and social media to obtain login credentials to businesses’ accounts.  From there they are able to transfer funds from the accounts and steal private information.  It’s more than identity theft it’s a fraud referred to […]

Small Business Finance Basics

Young woman working from home

Small business finance can be confusing for many startups.  Properly setting up your financial books is vital for the success of any small business. Accurate bookkeeping will help you better manage your resources, find strategies to minimize debt and forecast economic trends to help you make the most returns from your investment. Additionally, you need […]

Getting your Financial House in Order for 2021

invoice factoring dallas

Getting your financial house in order is not as hard as you may think.  With some careful planning, you too can be prepared for the best of times and the worst of times. Open bills the day they arrive. This may seem like common sense but ignoring them won’t change anything or make them go […]

10 Tips for Running a Small Business

small business invoice factoring

Running a small business in today’s rapidly changing marketplace takes skill, determination, and the ability to adapt to new challenges.  Here are 10 tips for any business that wants to succeed. 1.  Keep Score: It’s amazing how few small businesses have any idea of the daily, weekly, and monthly numbers and financial trends in the […]

Improve Your Business Cash Flow

Improve Your Business Cash Flow Did you know that even if your income statement shows that your business is making a profit, your business can still not succeed? Just because you are profitable on paper, you still might not have a positive business cash flow. And, without cash, your business simply runs out of money […]

What You Need to Know About an Income Statement

What You Need to Know About an Income Statement Let’s face it, many business owners who are busy with the daily routines of running the company, struggle with taking the time to fully understand accounting principles and terminology. Yet, there are important concepts to comprehend if we are going to run a profitable and successful […]

Welcome to Our New Website

Welcome to Our New Website We are excited to announce that our new and improved website is now live! Our new site has a fresh new layout for easier navigation for prospective and current clients as well as brokers. Our goal is to provide you with a quick and easy way to learn not only […]

Choosing the Right Factoring Company for Your Business

Choosing the Right Factoring Company for Your Business Choosing the right factoring company is an important decision for you and your business. The right factoring company will help you maintain cash flow and grow your business while the wrong choice can leave you with a bigger financial gap than when you started. Factoring has been around for […]