customer focused relationship

Create a Customer Focused Culture

Artificial Intelligence, chat bots, the cloud are all changing the way we work.  In most cases the change is for the better.  But there are some things that still require the human touch.  Despite all the automation advances in technology, nothing can replace a caring, empowered employee for great customer service.  This philosophy must be embraced by your entire company to be successful. 

According to Shep Hyken, customer service expert and New York Times bestselling author, “you must start on the inside, with your employees.  What’s happening on the inside is felt on the outside by customers, and to be the best place to buy from, you must first be the best company to work for.”  This could be a daunting task, but Hyken recommends that business owners adhere to what he calls the “Employee Golden Rule” which is “Do unto your employees as you want done unto the customer – or better!” Hyken outlines six steps for companies to follow:

  1. Create a clear vision of what customer service is and make that vision easy for employees to understand and remember. 
  2. Communicate your vision.  Every employee should be able to answer three questions; What is the vision?  What does it mean?  How do I contribute?
  3. Continually train every employee to adopt the company’s core values and customer service expectations. 
  4. Require management to exemplify the vision.  “Management should treat the employees with the same respect and dignity that is afforded the customer.”
  5. Align every corporate decision with the vision. Defending the customer focused culture includes interactions with individuals and teams.
  6. Celebrate the successes.  Recognize individual employees for delivering exceptional customer service.  “What gets rewarded and reinforced becomes part of the company’s culture.”

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