Use Your Business Corporate Culture to Improve Employee Retention
Use Your Business Corporate Culture to Improve Employee Retention In today’s business world, it can be challenging to attract talented and qualified employees. Even more difficult is employee retention: keeping team members happy, productive and engaged. When employees are not happy with the company work environment, and other jobs are available, they are likely to […]
Get a Fresh Start in the New Year
A Fresh Start: Keeping Your Employees Healthy and More Productive A tidy and sanitary office is crucial for quality work. Distraction lowers productivity, even on a subconscious level. Studies have also shown that business offices are a breeding ground for germs causing illness, which takes employees away from work, lowering productivity and work quality. A […]
Improve Your Business Cash Flow
Improve Your Business Cash Flow Did you know that even if your income statement shows that your business is making a profit, your business can still not succeed? Just because you are profitable on paper, you still might not have a positive business cash flow. And, without cash, your business simply runs out of money […]
Thanksgiving Through the Years
Thanksgiving Through the Years The first Thanksgiving in Plymouth Colony which is now Massachusetts was in 1621. The last Thursday in November was declared a national day of thanksgiving by Abraham Lincoln 200 years later. In 1941 Congress made Thanksgiving an official national holiday. A day of “thanks” and “giving”. Thanksgiving has traditionally been a […]
The Cash Flow Struggle
The Cash Flow Struggle Cash flow is essential to any growing business. When cash flow slows down, it can cause the business to drop revenues or completely fail. In order to keep from failing, business owners have to look at their business practices and figure out what is causing the cash deficit. There are many […]
The Value of Cross-Training Employees
The Value of Cross-Training Employees There are many advantages to cross-training employees. The greatest advantage being that in the absence of an employee, someone is available to step in and keep the business going as usual. Any disruptions in operations or other transitions can be handled, allowing the business to continue to run smoothly. No […]
Know Your Factor
Know Your Factor It’s been a hot summer and the regional factoring companies are being acquired at a record pace. Last month three more factors were purchased by out-of-state banks. This is accelerating the trend of new banking institutions entering the market by purchasing local factoring companies. As a professional, it’s important you know that […]
Avoiding the Cash Crunch
How to Avoid a Cash Crunch Business owners know that happiness means knowing how to avoid a cash crunch. However, every now and then entrepreneurs find themselves in the middle of a cash flow crisis. The Long-term solution to this cash crunch is a detailed examination of every expense, an analysis of pricing and investigating […]
The Value of Dedicated Account Managers
The Value of Dedicated Account Managers Financing is the #1 requisite for any business to grow and keep a positive cash flow. There are many options to look at for financing a business including traditional bank loans or alternative options such as factoring. Once the financing is in place, that relationship will continue as you […]
Credit is Crucial
Credit is Crucial Credit-worthy customers are crucial to any business. As a business owner, it is important to limit your own credit risk, practice due diligence regarding your customer’s creditworthiness, and refrain from extending credit that is beyond profit margins. Customers at risk for not paying your invoices put your business at risk. Confirming the […]