8 Ways to Speed up your Cash Flow
Even before the Corona chaos 69% of small business owners faced cash flow issues. Negative cash flow can limit your ability to pay bills, limit growth opportunities and ultimately force a business to close. These following best practices will help business owners turn cash flow positive without taking on new debt or a new partner! […]
Factoring to the Rescue!
We received a call from a healthcare staffing company in Los Angeles. They were less than six months in business and have already outpaced their sales projections. Their very serious problem was their customers were taking 45 days to pay. Their growth was out pacing their cash flow. A recent SBA study found that over […]
How Does Invoice Factoring Help SME Businesses?
Invoice factoring, also known as account receivable financing, is a widely used method of financing a business. The invoice factoring business is now a $3 Trillion dollar industry worldwide! This growth in invoice factoring has been fueled by economic expansion and the growing start up economy. Hassle-Free Funding The process of factoring invoices is simple […]
How to Afford Your New Contract
Don’t Let Cash Flow Issues Get In the Way of Opportunity Congratulations! You finally landed that big contract you have been pursuing, the one that will launch your company to the big time! Before you break out the champagne have you done a quick cash flow analysis to make sure you can afford this big […]
What every SME needs to know about Factoring
A recent survey by SCORE found that over 80% of business closings was caused by cash-flow issues. Even successful business can run short of cash when customers are slow to pay. This is especially true in industries that have extended terms, such as warehouse staffing, IT staffing, healthcare staffing, nurse staffing, manufacturing, fabrication, wholesale/distribution. Factoring […]
8 Tips for the Financial Success of Small Businesses
Running a small business can be tough, frustrating, and requires most owners to wear multiple hats. While most owners are comfortable being involved in sales, marketing, production and even HR, many feel completely out of their element when it comes to financing. While this is an area that’s typically better left to those with the […]
5 Cash Flow Management Tips for Small Businesses
According to the Small Business Administration (SBA), 50% of all small and medium-sized businesses fail within their first four years and nearly 96% dissolve by the tenth year. And the most common reason for the high failure rate is poor cash flow management. Cash flow is the lifeblood of any business. Buy supplies, paying employees, […]
Avoid Diminishing Your Business Value with These 10 Tips
You may have no intention of selling your small business now. However, you have to accept that your small business will change hands one day. You might pass it down to the next generation, sell it, or, unfortunately you may need to close it down. Even if a change in ownership won’t happen until well […]
Financing vs Funding for Small Business
Financing a business can be a challenge. The old tradition of walking into the bank to get a loan has become more complicated. You can no longer get a loan on a handshake. As a small business owner, you may find that you do not qualify for a bank loan. Banks require good credit and […]
Use Your Business Corporate Culture to Improve Employee Retention
Use Your Business Corporate Culture to Improve Employee Retention In today’s business world, it can be challenging to attract talented and qualified employees. Even more difficult is employee retention: keeping team members happy, productive and engaged. When employees are not happy with the company work environment, and other jobs are available, they are likely to […]