Five Invoice Factoring Questions to Ask Before You Sign Up
It is easy to be overwhelmed when looking for a factoring company. There are so many flashing ads and confusing buzzwords a businessowner can be quickly led down a path that seems right but ends up costing dearly. Here are the top 5 questions we get about accounts receivable factoring. How Do Factoring Rates Compare […]
In the Coming Economic Storm, Liquidity Is Your Life Raft
The economic news continues to be confusingly double sided. Wall Street is again nearing record territory while Main street is dealing with high unemployment, bankruptcies, and late payments. Banks and business owners have already taken notice and are doing everything they can to gather liquidity to survive this storm. For the last eight years business […]
Are You Getting Everything Out of Your Invoice Factoring Company?
Banks are seeing steady demand for loan request. But due to tightened credit standards, few loans are being approved. This makes alternative lenders; like invoice factoring, even more important to keep the economy going. As more business owners turn to factoring as their financial solution there is a growing amount of confusion about account receivable […]
Are You Replaceable?
Several months ago, we started factoring a company that had a great opportunity to double its business. By taking advantage of our invoice factoring program, our client has more than doubled it’s sales in this short period of time. In fact, two weeks ago our client received even more orders! Our client had to deal […]
Factoring Becomes More Important
Banks reported tightening their lending requirements on all types of business loans in the second quarter as quarantine related shutdowns plunged the economy into recession. Demand for all types of business loans fell, according to the Federal Reserve. Banks reported that their lending standards are now at the “tighter end of the range” of standards […]
Get Cash Flowing With Invoice Factoring
A survey by the National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB) found that 82% of business failures are due to poor cash flow management or poor understanding of how cash flow contributes to business. As the trusted advisor to your clients you are already well aware of this statistic. So many business owners learn too late […]
Protect Your Business With Factoring
It seems the world is getting scarier by the day. The business world is no exception to this observation. Business owners have had to adapt to working from home and then ever so careful reopen. While dealing with safety and physical health issues of its employees and customers, business owners must also stay focused on […]
Surviving a Slow Paying Customer
Having a big company as a customer is both a blessing and a curse. It’s a blessing having a large stable customer that provides a steady flow of purchase orders. However, being a supplier for a large corporation also has a set of unique challenges not faced when doing business with smaller companies. Asymmetry in […]
What Happens When the PPP Runs Out
Since April, the SBA has loaned over $500 billion. This huge number has softened the blow the economy would have taken due to the shutdown. As helpful as the PPP is, companies are now finding themselves again strapped for cash. Most of our clients at American Receivable were able to secure a loan thru the […]
How to Get the Most Out of Your Factor
So, after research and negotiation you have signed your factoring agreement and your ready to start selling invoices. Before you factor your first invoice here are a few suggestions that will help you get the most out of your factor. Customers Your factor is laser focused on your customers. After all, it’s your customers that […]