Revitalize Your Business: 7 Proven Steps to Boost Revenue During Sales Slumps

Is your business experiencing a slowdown? Discover seven effective strategies to not only navigate through slow periods but also to drive sales and increase revenue. Here’s a guide to help you turn challenging times into opportunities for growth. In conclusion, don’t let slow sales periods dampen your spirits. Instead, view them as opportunities to implement […]
Run a Tight Ship

Running a tight ship is essential to the survival of your business. In order to maximize profit, the entrepreneur has to make sure that they have a tight system in place from on-boarding a new customer to receiving and accounting for payments.
Business Sense: Pricing of Goods is Critical to Cash Flow

Business owners struggle when they take on the task of pricing their product or service. Many times, they will set the price too low, thinking that a lower price will increase sales. Lower margins on products or services can affect cash flow, which in turn affects the ability of the business to grow. Pricing is […]
Is Your Business Prepared for an Emergency?

Natural disasters can happen anywhere and at any time. Over the past several weeks North Texas has already suffered through several tornados – and the storm season has only now started. In 2019 our office building was heavily damaged by a storm. For several weeks our building was closed as they assessed the damage. Tornados, […]
Five Tips to Accelerate Your Business

If your goal for next year is to grow your business keep these ideas in mind: Plow Money into your Company. It takes money to make money! Invest in your employees, marketing, and technology. Carefully choose where your investments will bring the greatest return. Be Careful Who You Hire. As the author Jim Collins stated […]
10 Tips for Running a Small Business

Running a small business in today’s rapidly changing marketplace takes skill, determination, and the ability to adapt to new challenges. Here are 10 tips for any business that wants to succeed. 1. Keep Score: It’s amazing how few small businesses have any idea of the daily, weekly, and monthly numbers and financial trends in the […]
It’s Time to Review Your Cybersecurity

As more companies continue to take advantage of remote working companies are discovering the weak links in their cybersecurity. Whether it’s a cyberattack against your companies’ website or a phishing email all companies are facing growing dangers from the dark side of the internet. Here are 10 questions that need to be addressed right now. […]
Is Your Business Prepared to Survive a Disaster?

The year 2020 has taught us a lot about being prepared to face a disaster. We now have extra toilet paper and have learned to work from home. Business owners have had multiple challenges, applying for the PPP loan, maintaining a motivated work force while working from home and in many cases, diminished revenue. Just […]
Women in Business and the Challenge of Acquiring Working Capital
Female business owners feel that their access to working capital is much less than accessibility of businesses owned by men. A large number of business owners feel that businesses owned by women will never have the same options and availability for working capital or cash flow options as businesses owned by men, while some think […]
Avoid Diminishing Your Business Value with These 10 Tips

You may have no intention of selling your small business now. However, you have to accept that your small business will change hands one day. You might pass it down to the next generation, sell it, or, unfortunately you may need to close it down. Even if a change in ownership won’t happen until well […]