American Receivable
DFW: (972) 404-4726 | Toll Free: (800) 297-66522

Are You Getting Everything Out of Your Invoice Factoring Company?

Cash Flow Word With Coin In Glass Jar and graph up

Banks are seeing steady demand for loan request. But due to tightened credit standards, few loans are being approved.  This makes alternative lenders; like invoice factoring, even more important to keep the economy going. As more business owners turn to factoring as their financial solution there is a growing amount of confusion about account receivable […]

Show Amazing Grace

Word art that spells "Grace"

The religious definition of Grace is unearned favor. Culturally we show Grace when we initiate kindness. The stresses of life are reflected on social media sites and the news. Tempers are on display as adults have tantrums over a request to wear a mask.  It seems everyone’s nerves are on edge. A never-ending pandemic, divisive politics, and racial tension […]

Are You Replaceable?

business leadership in a meeting

Several months ago, we started factoring a company that had a great opportunity to double its business.  By taking advantage of our invoice factoring program, our client has more than doubled it’s sales in this short period of time.  In fact, two weeks ago our client received even more orders!  Our client had to deal […]

Factoring to the Rescue

its not always in the name

As banks have reported tightening their lending standards there will be more and more demand for alternative lenders for the last half of 2020.  As financial brokers, your expertise will be needed as fewer companies qualify for conventional lending.  Your customers will be counting on your expertise of understanding the many types of commercial financing […]

Factoring Becomes More Important

business invoice factoring

Banks reported tightening their lending requirements on all types of business loans in the second quarter as quarantine related shutdowns plunged the economy into recession.  Demand for all types of business loans fell, according to the Federal Reserve.  Banks reported that their lending standards are now at the “tighter end of the range” of standards […]

Finish 2020 Strong

business team celebration

The challenges of 2020 have not stopped.  Looking back at the end of 2019 business owners were getting ready for another banner year.  The red-hot economy allowed some companies to succeed despite some sloppy business practices.  Here are some tips that would help a company thrive in a good economy and survive when times are […]