How to Get the Most Out of Your Factor

business people in a meeting

So, after research and negotiation you have signed your factoring agreement and your ready to start selling invoices.  Before you factor your first invoice here are a few suggestions that will help you get the most out of your factor. Customers Your factor is laser focused on your customers.  After all, it’s your customers that […]

4 Tips to Help Your Business Succeed During Unpredictable Times

Tips to Help Your Business Succeed During Unpredictable Times

Starting and running a business has never been easy. It takes a lot of grit and determination even in the best of times. Suddenly, the red-hot economy of 2019 has come to screeching halt with entrepreneurs trying to figure out PPP loans and how they can stay in business while working remotely. Here are four […]

Is Your Business Prepared to Survive a Disaster?

Closed up finger on keyboard with word DISASTER PLAN

The year 2020 has taught us a lot about being prepared to face a disaster.  We now have extra toilet paper and have learned to work from home.  Business owners have had multiple challenges, applying for the PPP loan, maintaining a motivated work force while working from home and in many cases, diminished revenue.  Just […]

Factoring: What Is It and When to Use It

factoring written on a notebook

Slow paying customers is a major reason business owners are held back from growing their companies. A recent survey found that if all late invoices were paid at once, business owners could hire 2.1 million employees and pay themselves $31,000 more! Another study found that 82% of business failures were caused by cash flow problems. […]

Funding Through Crisis

Close up of handshake in the office

As the nation’s economy continues to open up American Receivable has been busy helping more and more companies solve their cash flow problems.  This past month we have funded companies in several major industries. Provided $350,000 funding to a Dallas company provides industrial staffing. Provided $75,000 funding to a Tennessee cellular infra-structure provider. Provided $1,200,000 […]

Keep Your Cash Flow Positive

Cash Flow Word With Coin In Glass Jar and graph up

With the current economic crisis, managing cash flow is more important than ever.  Whether your business has been impacted or not, these recommendations will help keep your company cash-flowing regardless of where you are in the business cycle. The Goal is Not Profit The goal is to create a positive cash-flow over the long term.  […]

When to Turn to Factoring

businessmen having a meeting

Businesses, whether a start-up or a growing company can find themselves short of cash.  Many companies have a strong balance sheet, but they do not have the cash needed to make payroll or pay bills.  These same companies may have accounts receivable, unpaid invoices, that will solve their problem.  A factoring company can help a […]

Grow Your Business With Factoring

Businessman pointing arrow graph, showing business growth

American Receivable assists entrepreneurs increase sales by factoring invoices.  Providing steady, predictable cash flow to our client so they can grow their business without incurring debt or giving up equity.  Giving our clients a brighter future. Running a business is hard work.  Whether you’re a start up or an established enterprise there is always a […]

Are You Ready to Grow?

plants growing on coins

As a small to medium enterprise your cash reserves may have been drained keeping the doors open with only a fraction of your usual revenue coming in.  When business takes off again, will you have enough cash to take advantage of new contracts?  What are you doing now to make sure you’ll be ready for […]

Check Your Cash Flow

A woman checking her business cash flow

Its late spring in Texas.  And that means lots of yard work! Of course, being home all the time makes it easier to keep up with the mowing.  My mower’s oil leak is getting bad enough that it’s time for a serious repair. Your Finances Could Use A Spring Cleaning Right now, your company’s cash […]