Be Proactive To Get Paid Quicker
When customers drag out their payments this puts a lot of pressure on the business because it limits their cash flow. Positive cash flow is necessary for companies to continue operations and be successful. Slow paying customers can quickly turn positive cash flow to negative cash flow. It’s important for the business owner to have […]
Overlooked Ways Businesses Can Reduce Costs
With inflation, supply chain issues and hiring problems, it’s no secret that times are tough for many businesses. Business owners that are struggling to maintain a positive cash flow are constantly searching for way to reduce costs and stretch every dollar. These tips will help business owners run an efficient company in both challenging and […]
Examine Your Funding Options
As banks become more conservative in their lending practices many business owners are turning to alternative lenders to meet their financing needs. Business owners can quickly be overwhelmed by all the web-based business lenders. Many of these lenders will deluge a business owner with requests for bank statements and offers to take money today. Some […]
Are You Ready to Be An Entrepreneur?
It takes many skills to start and manage your own company. Many founders wish they had learned some of those skills in school instead of on the job. Whether trying to land a new client or manage employees, entrepreneurs are constantly faced with situations they were not trained to handle. In hindsight, many founders wish […]
What is Cash Flow in Business?
Cash flow is the movement of money in and out or your business. The amount of positive cash flow is what funders look at when evaluating a company. Successful businesses have a positive cash flow. When a company is paid money by a customer is an example of positive cash flow. An example of negative […]
Small Business Funding
Finding funding for your business can be challenging, but with a bit of work and planning, you can find the money you need to help your company grow. Many small and medium sized businesses are held back by lack of money. Here are some ideas to help you secure funding for your business. If your […]
Factoring for Staffing Companies is a Recipe for Success
Many companies struggle to meet payroll and operating expenses, especially when their customers are slow to pay their invoice. Staffing companies often experience this pain when they have weekly payroll but are only getting paid every 30 days by their customers. Factoring is the solution for this common problem. Simple Successful staffing companies know better […]
Speed Up Your Cashflow
The Small Business Administration cites that over 50% of businesses fail in their first five years. Most of the business owners listed negative cash flow as the number one reason they had to close doors. Negative cash flow can limit your ability to pay bills on time, limits growth opportunities and ultimately forces a business […]
How a Factoring Company Can Help Your Staffing Company Flourish
Many companies are outsourcing a large portion of their hiring to staffing companies. But it can be extremely difficult for a start-up or a fast-growing staffing company to keep ahead of its payroll. Because staffing companies usually pay their employees on a daily or weekly basis, waiting a month or more for customers to pay […]
How to Create a Rainy Day Fund for Your Small Business
As a small business owner, one of the best pieces of advice you’ll ever get is to never get too comfortable when things are running smooth. In the same way traffic accidents occur unexpectedly and natural disasters occur without notice, your business can also suffer painful emergencies. When it does, you need to be in […]