Control Working Capital With Invoice Factoring

small business factoring

Business owners know that managing working capital and maintaining positive cash flow is critical to surviving as Small to Medium Size Enterprise.  This is challenging, especially in the start up phase.  Business owners looking for additional financing to enhance their cash flow are often disappointed when banks explain that they are not start up lenders. […]

Just Say No To MCAs!

Just say no to MCAs

This time of year, many businesses owners are facing a cash shortfall.  The combination of year end expenses, holiday bonuses and customers delaying payments can cause a business owner to panic.  This is when all the spam emails and pop-up ads can lure a business owner to a Merchant Cash Advance lender. Don’t Fall into […]

Get Startup Business Funding: Invoice Factoring and More Solutions

startup invoice factoring

Looking to raise money for your startup?  Raising money is the hardest challenge many entrepreneurs face.  Most entrepreneurs make numerous pitches before an someone agrees to invest in your startup.  Of course, you have to have a solid business plan.  Are your financial statements correct?  Do you have a strong management team?  How long before […]

Merry Christmas From All of Us at American Receivable

Christmas 2022

2022 has been another successful year, thanks to your continued support. We are blessed to be able to continue supporting the Austin Street Shelter and Santa Cops of Dallas during this season of giving.  Happy Holidays to you and your family and blessings in the New Year

Invoice Factoring Rescues Staffing Agency

staffing company

As this year closes many staffing companies are preparing for the coming year.  Staffing agencies have to constantly align the demand for their services with the changing workforce.  Budgets and forecasts for the coming year should also be reviewed.  Confirming that you have access to growth capital is also a top priority for 2023. Demand […]

How Does Factoring Affect My Customers?

invoice factoring meeting

If you are looking for ways to speed up your cash flow you should consider invoice factoring.  Invoice factoring is the simple transaction of selling your accounts receivable to your factoring company, so you don’t have to wait for your customers to pay you.  Many business owners will search for a Top Rated Factoring Company […]

Make the Most of Your Next One on One

business man shaking hands after a deal

In today’s world of digital connections, the one on one meeting over a cup of coffee is still the gold mine of business networking.  In this relaxed environment relationships are formed, giving both parties an opportunity to help each other.  Either with the opportunity to do business with each other or to make a valuable […]