American Receivable
DFW: (972) 404-4726 | Toll Free: (800) 297-66522

How a Factoring Company Can Help Your Staffing Company Flourish

staffing company

Many companies are outsourcing a large portion of their hiring to staffing companies.  But it can be extremely difficult for a start-up or a fast-growing staffing company to keep ahead of its payroll.  Because staffing companies usually pay their employees on a daily or weekly basis, waiting a month or more for customers to pay […]

Celebrating 43 Years of Helping Companies Succeed

Factoring for small business

American Receivable is celebrating two significant events.  First, this year marks our 43rd year of helping our clients grow and succeed.  In 1979 a couple of recent college graduates thought it would be a good idea to start their own factoring company.  Starting with a small amount of family money, the two founders are still […]

Use Your Corporate Culture to Keep Your Best Employees

invoice factoring meeting

Finding good employees is always challenging.  Keeping good employees is critical.  When employees are not happy with the company work environment and other jobs are available, they are likely to leave for greener pastures.  Nurturing a positive corporate culture will improve morale and increase employee retention. The best job seekers want to work at a […]