What Is a Traditional Factoring Company?

business handshake invoice factoring

Business owners take advantage of invoice factoring for fast and simple access to cash. Selling their accounts receivable gives a business owner access to the cash needed to fund ongoing operations and growth.  Start-ups and smaller businesses often do not meet the criteria for a traditional business loan from a bank. Small, large, and even […]

We Are Thankful for You

thank you

American Receivable is thankful for our amazing clients, as well as our referral sources, service providers and employees who have been vital to the success of our company and our clients. We have had the opportunity to follow a valued client in East Texas expand his business and bring jobs to an area with a […]

Five Tips to Accelerate Your Business

business tips

If your goal for next year is to grow your business keep these ideas in mind: Plow Money into your Company.  It takes money to make money! Invest in your employees, marketing, and technology. Carefully choose where your investments will bring the greatest return. Be Careful Who You Hire. As the author Jim Collins stated […]

Celebrating Veterans Day

veterans day

Veterans Day is a well know American Holiday. It was originally known as Armistice Day, commemorating the end fighting of World War I on November 11, 1918.  After more than four years of fighting Germany and the Allies agreed to a truce on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. This […]

Managing Working Capital

Managing Working Capital

Financial experts agree that managing working capital and maintain cash flow is critical to a small businesses’ successes.  For young companies finding additional sources of working capital can be especially challenging.  More and more companies are finding cash flow relief by turning to alternative lending companies, like factoring. Traditional banks have several policies that make […]