American Receivable
DFW: (972) 404-4726 | Toll Free: (800) 297-66522

Four Warning Signs of Predatory Lending

Warning Signs of Predatory Lending

As many small businesses are recovering from the pandemic, scammers and predatory lenders are taking advantage of businesses searching for funding.  As the Paycheck Protection Program is over and approvals for bank loans has dropped by 20%, this gap in funding is making business owners a bigger target to the vultures masquerading as legitimate funding […]

Factoring For Success

Factoring For Success

Factoring Benefits: Online application, Funding in 2-3 days Factoring $10,000 to $2 Million per month Up to 95% advance No upfront fees or points No minimums Transparent pricing We understand that our prospects are busy, so we have streamlined our application.  We never ask for historical financials, tax documents or personal financial statements.  ARC has […]

Avoid These 4 Common Mistakes Financing Your Business

Avoid 4 Mistakes Financing Your Business

Every business owner knows it takes money to make money.  While a business owner is adding employees and renting additional space to take on larger contracts it’s crucial that financing for this growth is already in place.  Financing and cash flow issues is one of the top reasons that business fail with in their first […]

Gearing Up For Growth With Invoice Factoring

If you are a business owner, you understand how difficult it can be get invoices paid on-time.  When customers are slow to pay their bills, this puts undue stress on your company’s cash flow, making it challenging to buy more supplies and make payroll.  Invoice factoring is the perfect solution to support ongoing growth by […]

How the Pandemic Has Affected Small Business Financing

pandemic smb funding

From the red hot economy of 2018 and early 2019 to government mandated shutdowns and supply shortages, small and medium sized business owners have had to both pivot and adapt to survive the pandemic.  Banks and small business financing companies were not excluded from this scenario.  Congress had the biggest influence in the economy by […]