8 Ways to Speed up your Cash Flow

cash flow

Even before the Corona chaos 69% of small business owners faced cash flow issues.  Negative cash flow can limit your ability to pay bills, limit growth opportunities and ultimately force a business to close.  These following best practices will help business owners turn cash flow positive without taking on new debt or a new partner! […]

Are Credit Cards the Best Way to Finance your Business?

Woman using a credit card

The Dangerous Allure of Credit Card Financing Many entrepreneurs start their business with a little bit of personal savings, some friends and family money, and a couple of credit cards.  Credit cards are relatively easy to obtain and easier to use.  So, it’s not surprising that business owners rely on them for daily expenses. A […]

Factoring to the Rescue!

a group of healthcare workers

We received a call from a healthcare staffing company in Los Angeles.  They were less than six months in business and have already outpaced their sales projections.  Their very serious problem was their customers were taking 45 days to pay.  Their growth was out pacing their cash flow.  A recent SBA study found that over […]

How Does Invoice Factoring Help SME Businesses?

small business owners running a bakeshop

Invoice factoring, also known as account receivable financing, is a widely used method of financing a business.  The invoice factoring business is now a $3 Trillion dollar industry worldwide!  This growth in invoice factoring has been fueled by economic expansion and the growing start up economy. Hassle-Free Funding The process of factoring invoices is simple […]

Preparedness Lessons Learned

Did anyone get the license plate of the truck that just hit the world economy?  I think it was Covid-19!! Which makes this the time to make sure your company has a thorough business interruption/disaster plan in place.  This weekend I stocked up disaster supplies for the house; toilet paper, tuna fish and extra beer!  […]