American Receivable
DFW: (972) 404-4726 | Toll Free: (800) 297-66522

5 Cash Flow Management Tips for Small Businesses

5 Cash Flow Management Tips for Small Businesses According to the Small Business Administration (SBA), 50% of all small and medium-sized businesses fail within their first four years and nearly 96% dissolve by the tenth year.  And the most common reason for the high failure rate is poor cash flow management. Cash flow is the […]

American Receivable Reaches One Hundred National Bank Relationships

American Receivable Reaches… American Receivable Corporation is proud to announce over one hundred bank relationships nationwide. Over the last 38 years, American Receivable has paved the way for bankers and factoring companies to work together to strengthen the cash flow and success of small to medium businesses. In the last decade, American Receivable has increased […]

The Evolution of Invoice Factoring

The Evolution of Invoice Factoring Factoring has been around in some form or another for centuries, yet it is still a relatively untapped source of finance for many businesses. In fact, invoice factoring is typically a small part of the curriculum in many university finance departments. Let’s take a look at the history and evolution […]

Client Testimonial

Client Testimonial It is a pleasure to write this testimonial for American Receivable.  I’ve been associated with the company for over 20 years.  They assisted me in the initial start-up of Systems Source, Inc. in 1995 and have stood by me the entire time I’ve been in business, both the good times and the bad. […]