business man shaking hands after a deal

Make the Most of Your Next One on One

In today’s world of digital connections, the one on one meeting over a cup of coffee is still the gold mine of business networking.  In this relaxed environment relationships are formed, giving both parties an opportunity to help each other.  Either with the opportunity to do business with each other or to make a valuable introduction.  Time invested in a one on one can have huge rewards.

When scheduling a one on one be mindful of everyone’s most precious resource; their time.  Whether you’re scheduling an introductory meeting or a follow-up, here are some tips to get the most out of your next one on one.

  • Tell them why and where you want to meet.  Briefly introduce yourself then tell them why a meeting could be beneficial to them.  Offer several dates, times, and locations to make it convenient for your guest to agree to a one on one.
  • Do a background check.  Check your guest social media profile, look for blogs to learn about your guest.  This will save time for more important matters during your one on one.
  • Be early.  Leave early for your meeting, confirm your meeting time and location with your guest the day before.  By arriving a few minutes early, you can get a table.
  • Offer to pay.  Ask your guest what they are going to have before you order.  If your guest insists on paying for their own let them, you have made the gesture.
  • Be direct.  Your getting coffee with your guest for a reason, let them know how they can help you.  Also, be sure to offer your guest your help.  It might be as simple as introducing them to one of your business associates or actually doing business with them.
  • Watch the clock.  Set a start and end time.  As your scheduled time is coming to an end, even if you’re having a productive conversation, ask your guest if they have to go.  They will appreciate that you are respecting their time.
  • Follow up. You might want to send a handwritten thank you note, or at least an email.  Include any information you promised to provide and a reminder of anything your guest offered.

Many successful business deals start over a cup of coffee.  Remember to go to your meeting with the attitude of wanting to help your guest succeed.  They will not only want to return the favor, but it paves the way for a long lasting relationship.

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