Speed Up Your Cashflow
The Small Business Administration cites that over 50% of businesses fail in their first five years. Most of the business owners listed negative cash flow as the number one reason they had to close doors. Negative cash flow can limit your ability to pay bills on time, limits growth opportunities and ultimately forces a business […]
How Does Accounts Receivable Factoring Help Growing Businesses?
Account Receivable factoring, also known as invoice financing, is a widely used method of financing a business. The factoring industry is now a 3 trillion Dollar industry worldwide! The growth in the factoring industry has been fueled by both economic expansion and the growing start-up economy. Hassle-Free Factoring The process of factoring account receivables is […]
A Saint Patrick’s Day Reminder
Jack “Ryan” Stieber wants you to always remember:“If you’re lucky enough to be Irish, you’re lucky enough!” Happy Saint Patrick’s Day from all of us at American Receivable
Be Prepared To Find Funding
As banks are growing more conservative in their lending, many business owners are being turned down for a bank loan. Since the need for additional capital did not disappear when a loan request is denied, business owners will look to alternative lenders to meet their need. Accounts receivable factoring is the solution. Like applying for […]
Invoice Factoring: A Wise Choice Over Credit Cards
Starting any business is always a capital intensive endeavor. Many business owners are forced to use their own personal credit cards to supplement the cash they have raised to get their business running. This strategy can be successful but can be very costly to both the company and the business owner. There are many financing […]