American Receivable
DFW: (972) 404-4726 | Toll Free: (800) 297-66522

Lessons Learned

A survey by researchers at Washington University in St. Louis found businesses with a previous lending relationship enjoyed a 57%-point advantage in obtaining a PPP loan, with 75% of “relationship-borrowers” getting a loan compared with only 18% of “non-relationship” companies succeeding in getting a PPP loan.  The study further found that a personal connection between […]

Invoice Factoring for Startups

invoice factoring for startups

Startups bring us some of our most creative innovations.  Being a startup involves a lot of risk, time constraints, staffing demands, and challenges obtaining funding.  Invoice factoring can help with funding by speeding up cash flow without the long wait for an invoice to pay.  By taking advantage of factoring a startup can ensure they […]

Small Business Finance Basics

Young woman working from home

Small business finance can be confusing for many startups.  Properly setting up your financial books is vital for the success of any small business. Accurate bookkeeping will help you better manage your resources, find strategies to minimize debt and forecast economic trends to help you make the most returns from your investment. Additionally, you need […]

Who Qualifies for a Factoring Company?

small business

As banks become more restrictive with their lending more and more business owners are turning to alternative lenders to find the additional working capital they need.  Invoice factoring, also sometimes referred to as invoice finance, is when a business owner sells their accounts receivable to a factor for immediate cash.  Business owners improve their cash […]